About Me

I am a twenty-something approaching life with much happiness, optimism, excitement, and anticipation.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Well... graduation has come and gone. Do I feel different? No.. of course not. Not at all. There have only been two conversations that have even made me realize that I am not longer a WKU student with a major, but rather a WKU alum with a degree (well not TECHNICALLY yet.. as they don't send them out until like 3 weeks after graduation! haha!).
My roommate was discussing my political science major and then in a split second said "no.. I'm sorry.. your degree in political science."
And then another night I was explaining to someone why I had to get out of bed at 12:30 a.m. to go pick friends up from the bar on a weeknight and I said "because we're in college.. it's what we do...oh wait.. no.. we're still in college.. I have to feel that way right now or I'm going to breakdown and cry.." haha.. oh well.
Graduation weekend was a blast. My family, Chad's family, and my best friends (both high school and college) all in one place celebrating with me. The ceremony itself was annoying and long, but dinner afterward and then the bar into the early morning hours was a blast.
I am now working full-time still at my job and just enjoying life. Amanda (my roommate for 2 years and great friend for all of college) moves to Florida this coming weekend.. it's freaking me out. We haven't actually dealt with the fact yet that we won't live together anymore. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met and the best friend and roommate I ever could have asked for. This will be a major change. So for the next month-ish I will live by myself in Bowling Green.. but it's pretty fun and exciting (as I've done it the past 2 winter and summer breaks during college) nonetheless.
This is an exciting time in my life, but I really need to get on the job finding/apartment hunting bandwagon! haha!
Everyone, wish me luck. Thanks for reading.

Monday, May 10, 2010


It's Finals Week at WKU. I have 3 FINALS TOMORROW. OMG. freaking out. but obviously not too much because I'm finding time to blog. Mostly because I'm staying up all night tonight. Fun fun fun. It's crazy how packed the labs and libraries are finals week. But I like it. It's something I'll miss...not the actual tests, but the staying up all night long with friends--doing more talking than studying, running out in the middle of the night for more Red Bull. I'm sure my readers think that I am extremely depressed and sad about graduating, mostly because I only blog when I'm feeling a strong emotion, and although I am very sad, I am BEYOND excited too. I am ALWAYS excited for the next stage in my life. Each day of my life is better and happier than yesterday.. at least I always strive to keep that mindset. So I am so pumped to see what is next. Oh, and also to end this damn long-distance thing with Chad. I miss him. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

10 Days

Wow.. graduation is 10 days away. Well.. it'll be 10 days by the time anyone reads this. Currently I'm still considering this Tuesday night (2:13 a.m.) but it's because I'm pulling an all-nighter. It's weird. I want to be awake a lot these next couple of weeks and I will be so tired.. I know. But you can sleep when you're old. Well probably not, because then you have kids to tend to, but sleep is nothing fun.
Don't get me wrong.. I love sleep more than pretty much anyone. I will forgo almost anything to nap, go to bed early, or sleep late...but lately, I don't want to waste my time with sleep. I want to be awake and enjoy all of the people around me. These people who have made tremendous impacts on my life. I don't think any of them read this.. or rather, no one reads this, but that's ok. I want these feelings documented for when I look back years from now. When I am no longer a "twenty-something." This place. This town. This school. These people. These memories. Unforgettable. These past 4 years have been amazing. Sometimes hard, of course, and sad, and lonely even, but more often than not (actually like 98% of the time honestly) things have been easy (being a 18-21 year old) and fun and enjoyable and warm with tons of people around to enjoy life with.
I have lived so many experiences and who I am today would be unrecognizable to the 17 year old I was 4 years ago, just about to graduate high school. I love who I am today. I am not saying that in a egotistical way at all... but I love who I have become because of this place and these people. Made me this person I am proud to me.