About Me

I am a twenty-something approaching life with much happiness, optimism, excitement, and anticipation.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Once a place I couldn't wait to leave and yearned for the new "life experiences" I would have. Even in college, I dreaded the weekends at home and the long Christmas break spent "bored in Morehead."
Granted, I think getting away from wherever you're comfortable and wherever life is easy is always a good thing, but Morehead truly is home.
I love the weekends there now. It's so happy, comfortable, full of love. I love watching the seasons change there and I love the thought of going back each time.
Each time I'm there I'm ready to be able to move back when I'm older.
It sure is funny how things change.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


College Park, Maryland. Chad moved up here in August to attend University of Maryland-College Park. He is in the Criminology Master's Program. If you're reading this you probably know that we had always lived in the same town...minutes apart. Him moving was a big change first and foremost for him, but also for us. We try to see each other once a month and those visits are the highlight of each month for me. I love the drive or flight to Maryland. I love the time spent seeing a movie, grabbing dinner, seeing things I've never seen, or simply doing nothing at all. Doing nothing at all together is the best. I have been in Maryland since Saturday and it is Tuesday. I'll leave in the morning to go back to Bowling Green. Yesterday I got to go to the campus with Chad and visit his office and the classroom in which he is a Teacher's Assistant for undergrad courses. I love being here and am actually looking to move closer upon graduation in May. At that point Chad will still have another year in the program. Leaving is always the hardest thing to do. The drop-off at the metro station is so sad. But...this time it won't be as bad. Chad's spring break is next week and so he will be back in Kentucky on Saturday and Bowling Green probably Sunday. We are both so excited to get to spend so much time together this month. And then, really it's only 2 more months until the distance is over.
Relationships and people are what make any sadness worth it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday Nights

Tuesday nights are a retreat for me. For the second year now I have a group of people over to the apartment and cook a big meal before we all settle in for the new episode of Lost.
Graduations have caused some to leave, but others have joined and it's always a great time. Baked spaghetti, taco salad, or on cold, snowy January nights we must settle for frozen pizza, but regardless it's always a great time for everyone to take time out of studying, work, and anything else and join together for food and a great television show.
Cooking big meals for many friends on Tuesday nights is something that I will definitely miss upon graduation and the conclusion of Lost (series finale in May)but wherever I may be next year, a new dinner night and dinner crew will surely be formed, though I will more than miss these friends who have become family.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am an avid reader of others' blogs (Letters to Myself, Itty Bitty in New York City, Half-Blog-Half-Amazing, and many others), bummed each morning that there isn't a new post and so excted when there is. I have blogged off and on, but really enjoying reading others, so I thought maybe if I started again some would enjoy reading mine.
I am graduating college in a couple of months and this blog will be a place to express my fears, desires, wishes, and new adventures! We'll see how it goes.